Coaching elite sportspeople, performing artists, business leaders and entrepreneurs for over 30 years continuously reminds me how all top performers are only top performers because aside from their own talents and efforts they benefit and have had the benefit of a massive amount of help and support from others.
To excel in any field and achieve outstanding levels of success requires an incredible amount of skill, dedication and commitment by an individual but success is never a solo journey.
We learn from others, we get inspired by others, we receive challenge and feedback from others, we get energy and positive encouragement from others and we can get tons of practical help along the way from others.
Others can be our parents, our school teachers, our family, our friends, our community ,our work teams and colleagues as well as professional coaches, trainers and mentors.
Everyone that has helped you get you where you are now no matter how big or small the part they have played in your work and life journey is an integral part of your team!
In many ways we owe so much to so many who have played their part in our journeys and I believe it’s good to regularly remember that fact and show gratitude and appreciation whenever we can to all those who have helped and continue to help us perform and be the best we can.
May I say a massive thank you to everyone who has helped me over the years and continue to support my work.
Thank you to my team past, present and future!
With Gratitude.