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Whether you play sport professionally, competitively or recreationally, I can help you to achieve your highest possible levels of personal performance. 


I work with individuals across the UK, using a combination of face-to-face, video and telephone sessions.


The sport of Golf is my main niche, but I am able to help with any individual or team where performance pressure is a key factor that needs addressing.


Sports that involve time to over-think such as snooker, darts, archery, curling, shooting, climbing or even taking penalties or spot kicks/shots in team sports particularly lend themselves to my mindset performance coaching.


The key to consistently performing well is learning to develop and maintain a peak performance flow state of being, where relaxed alertness and supreme confidence flourish, uninhibited by negative tension inducing thought patterns.


My holistic approach has helped many sportspeople to perform their very best in competitive situations and to help them avoid the pitfalls that many succumb to when they allow performance pressure to get into their heads which can cause the dreaded performance breakdowns and collapses.

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Sport performance coaching is for any sportsperson whether playing professionally, competitively or recreationally with a genuine desire for positive change in their game.

do you ever experience...

inability to take your best practice game into competitive situations?


involuntary tensing up over your shots especially your short game?


allowing a good run of form or scoreboard pressure get to you?


distraction by out of bounds, bunkers or other hazards that feel like magnets for your ball?  

drop in performance level due to an error or poor shot getting to you?


a feeling that you're stuck on your current form and unable to breakthrough to a better level?


 confidence destroying negative thinking just when you least want it?


making a poor start to your round or always seeming to have one disastrous hole?

Would you like... 

to develop an ability to handle ''pressure situations'' in a positive way, without tensing up and losing form?


to take your self-belief and confidence to the next level?


to make short putts and chipping your best and/or safest part of your game?


to play golf or your chosen sport in a calm, clear-thinking, relaxed and alert body-mindset - conducive to peak performance?

to learn how to feel the flow and play in the zone, and  most importantly learn how to quickly be able regain it when you lose it?


to experience a supreme state of unstoppable confidence, no matter what's happening on the outside? 


to enjoy and actually have fun whilst playing your game, rather than it be a stressful life or death struggle?!


to simply perform at your highest potential without self-imposed limitation?

If so, then I'm confident that you would benefit from personal performance coaching.

Golf Course Aerial Shot

Sport Performance Coaching is tailored to the unique and personal requirements of the individual I work with. Please get in touch to discuss your circumstances and aspirations.

Your sport performance coaching journey begins with a conversation.


If you're ready to invest in your game, please contact me by phone, email, or by completing the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you. I will be in touch as soon as possible.


Stephen Robinson - 9 Handicap Golfer

"Robert really helped me to understand how placing too much importance on the outcome of a round of golf can have detrimental effects, not only on the way you play but also things away from the golf course. By thinking more clearly on the course, I have been able to free myself up and reduce the previous tension I had when faced with shots around the green that I have struggled with in the past"

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