In 30 years of coaching and mentoring high performing individuals I have met very few managers, business leaders or emerging talent/rising stars that have been able to master the art of remaining in the peak performance zone throughout the working day keeping their minds and bodies loose and natural.
Most high flyers I have worked with tend to err towards a little too much tension and trying to do things technically perfectly the right way at top speed; although this may feel a powerful way of working for them as adrenaline and endorphins fire off giving them a feel good rush it really isn’t optimal peak performance mode and certainly isn’t sustainable long term.
My work coaching and mentoring top performers looks to help these individuals recognise when they are tensing up even if only ever so slightly and I then work 1-2-1Â with them to help them learn the art of recognising and letting go of any constricting mental patterns that are causing their subtle and not so subtle tensions and stressing!
The holy grail of effortless peak performance mode is where the Mind is clear and focused, the Body is relaxed and alert and the Spirit is strong and engaged!
By the way, one of my top strategies for keeping loose and natural is to regularly schedule a quality lunch break into your working week and if it’s a wholesome picnic spread enjoyed in a beautiful setting with friends from work then you’d probably find it almost impossible to resist dropping into the high performance groove!!