When I coach and mentor high performers whether in business or any field of life I use a 5 Step Framework to assess where my client currently is and to identify where the focus most needs to be optimise their performance and results:
1. Clarity of Vision?
How clear is my client in knowing the precise outcomes they want? Can they really see and feel what it will be like when they have achieved their goals?
2. Degree of Motivation?
How badly does my client desire what they are seeking to achieve? Are they unstoppably passionate and motivated or are they for any reason not 100% on it? What is their real Why for going for it and is that Why strong enough to ensure that nothing will hinder their progress.
3. Strength of Belief and Mindset?
Does my client truly believe that they are capable of achieving their goals/dreams and are they completely confident of success?
All doubts both conscious and hidden in their subconscious need to leave the building!
4. Level of Competence?
Where is my client in terms of skills, knowledge and capabilities to achieve their aspirations?
What training and development would they need to be fully equipped to deliver on their objectives?
5. A Great and Flexible Strategy?
Do they have or know how to create a great plan of action for success? Are they able to creatively and speedily adjust their strategies when needed?
In my experience for any client there are always at least one or two areas needing focus and attention and by referencing the framework it is easy to quickly identify where the coaching priorities are.